At The Yard Dog, our groomers will create the most pleasant experience possible for your dog. We know grooming can be scary for your fur-baby, so we take all precautions necessary to ensure they are comfortable. All pricing is dependent on the size and coat condition of your pet. Give us a call to schedule your pup’s pampering!
If your furry family member needs a professional touch, we’re happy to help with our Basic Bath package! The bath and brush service includes: Bath, blow dry, brush out, nail trim, ear cleaning, cologne, and a bow or bandana.
Give your pet the ultimate upgrade with our bath & groom add-ons:
Nail trim
Nail grind
Gland expression
Hair coloring/stenciling
Ear cleaning
At The Yard Dog, our dual bathing tubs are equipped to handle all sizes of dogs from Chihuahuas to Great Danes. Don’t dirty up your home bathtub, use our facilities here in Addison, TX. Towel service is available during business hours.
Quick wash and dry after a long play day.
Treat your dog to a quick wash and dry before pickup. Your dog will be tired from playing all day with their friends and will feel refreshed after a quick wash from our trained staff.